Last year in school, my whole grade had to take a semester of Financial Literacy—we used the Dave Ramsey course. I know that probably doesn’t seem very relevant (um, at all), but one expression he used stuck with me and reminds me of writing.
He always said that when a person is in debt, s/he needs to use “gazelle-like intensity” to get out of that debt. Now I use the phrase for my writing, when I’m struggling with free time or motivation or deadlines or whatever.
Sure, we all need breaks. We all need time for the other part of life, and the people and things who fill it. But whenever I’m having trouble—especially when the goal is so close, and I can see the end—I have to remember that and push toward the end.
It’s ridiculous, the analogies my brain likes to keep around.
Anyways, here are a few tips for staying intense and gazelle-like:
1) Think of why you started writing this in the first place. Even if it’s just as a personal hobby, there’s still a goal involved, isn’t there?
2) Read what motivates and inspires you. Maybe it’s an interview of an author who went through a lot on her/his way to publication, struggled with the book itself, or just signed with an agent. Maybe it’s an amazing book you love to read over and over again to remind yourself what you can someday attain. Maybe it’s the not-so-amazing book you know you can do better than—and it got published, didn’t it?
3) Deprive yourself of food, drink, and sunlight until you’re finished. That way—
Well, scratch the last one. But still.
What are some of your tips for maintaining the gazelle-like intensity and meeting deadlines, goals, etc.?