Thursday, January 5, 2012

Come On -- We Know You Have Them

Resolutions, that is.  Now that the new year’s rolled around and everyone’s swapping 2011 calendars out for shiny new ones, most people are also working toward personal goals.

That’s right.  The New Year’s Resolutions are upon us.  A whole nother year of opportunities. One of mine is to blog consistently and on schedule this year: Thursdays and Sundays.  That means no more long, unannounced blogging vacations—sorry about that, but I needed to focus on rewrites.  I’ll be visiting your blogs more regularly, too.  Scout’s honor.

Realistically, I know a ton of people have a ton of resolutions that never pan out.  And that I’m usually one of those people.  But that doesn’t keep me from setting them, because A) it’s always nice to have something to work toward and B) I’m always up for a good laugh.

And like countless other writers, I’ve got some writing-oriented goals in mind.  I figure you probably do, too, so here’s a quote from the Walt Disney to keep us motivated and inspired:

“Get a good idea and stay with it.  Dog it, and work at it until it’s done right.”

So even if you quit your diet, don’t succeed with your plans for world domination, or fail on the whole “be a better person” concept, remember—stick with your writing resolutions as best you can.  Go all Walt Disney on those things.

Any writing resolutions you’d like to share?  Looking back at 2011, how’d similar resolutions work out for you last year?


Roland D. Yeomans said...

Only one writing resolution : to write something everyday, even if it is only one sentence. Write that one word, making it count.

You have an intriguing, colorful blog. I followed you over from Alex's blog. Have a great 2012, Roland

Laura Pauling said...

What a terrific quote. I try not to make resolutions for that reason. My writing goals are always with me. Good luck with your 2012 goals and querying when it's time!

Jemi Fraser said...

I don't make resolutions - too depressing when life gets in the way and knocks them down :) But I am hoping to get to the query trenches this year! Good luck to you!

Jenna Blake Morris said...

Roland -- I like that resolution, especially the "making it count" part. Thanks for following!

Laura -- Good point, and thanks!

Jemi -- ha, half the time mine just seem to die off, so I know what you mean. Good luck with the query trenches, and thanks!