Thank you, Disney.
The fact that one of your movies -- Tangled -- came out on DVD today, actually inspired this post. (Whether or not that's good remains to be seen.)
But back to my point. In case you're living under a rock, venturing out for the occasional peek at a Geico billboard sign, I'll tell you -- Tangled is basically a revamped Rapunzel story.
Among authors and Hollywood, warped classics -- fairy tales, folk tales, kiddie stories -- are obviously really popular. You just have to look at a few of the more recent movies in theatres and stores, plus the upcomings, to learn that much: Snow White, Little Red, Rapunzel, Robin Hood, Alice, Beauty and the Beast, blah, blah, blah.
In most cases, I don't really mind the revamps. But I almost choked on my Cheez-Its when I heard Amanda Seyfried whisper, "What big eyes you have," and the previews for Beastly definitely made me groan.
To be fair, I never got over my inital bias enough to, you know, watch either of those movies, so I really shouldn't judge. Much.
On the other hand, I absolutely adored Tangled and Alice in Wonderland, so there you go.
I guess my thing is, it has to have a fresh enough twist to it, preferably in a way that doesn't completely kill the orignal. Someday, I'd love to make my own version of one of the less-covered classics -- but only if I can find an original hook.
The last thing this world needs is another vampire story, but the second-to-last is definitely a trend-riding, maniac author.
But what do you think?
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